Advantages of Onnit Academy Certification

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Onnit Academy Certification

A business owner and personal trainer based in Colorado, Alexander Garbiso owns and operates Mile High Nutrition and Fitness. Alexander Garbiso holds certification from Onnit Academy, a prominent fitness industry organization in the United States.

Onnit Academy offers two main types of certification: the Foundations Certification and the Specialist Certification. Although the Specialist Certification requires more in-depth knowledge than the Foundations Certification, both programs offer a number of benefits to individuals who complete them.

Perhaps most importantly, Onnit Academy certification prepares fitness professionals for their careers as coaches, helping them empower people to change their lives for the better. Graduates of Onnit Academy certification programs become part of the Onnit network, which is currently making strides in areas ranging from fitness equipment and education to natural supplements. Other benefits of Onnit Academy certification include trainer discounts, online marketing affiliate status, and access to the Onnit Academy Certified Trainer Global Directory.

To learn more about Onnit Academy certification programs, visit the official website at

Colorado Springs – Tiny House Capital?


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Colorado Springs

Alexander Garbiso is a personal trainer based in Aurora, Colorado, where he owns and manages Mile High Nutrition and Fitness as an independent contractor. Alexander Garbiso is also interested in becoming involved in real estate and pays close attention to real estate trends in Colorado.

The tiny house movement is steadily gaining momentum, in part due to the media attention given by several television shows – but also because it is a smart economic alternative to paying the costs of larger homes, which many young people cannot afford today.

Colorado Springs has recently been dubbed the “tiny house capital of the United States,” in part because it is home to the Tumbleweed Tiny House Co., the largest manufacturer of tiny houses in the country. The company also held the Tiny House Jamboree expo last year and plans to host it again this August. However, there are many cities contending to be the tiny house capital, including Seattle, Austin, and Asheville, North Carolina.

Tiny Houses are generally 500 square feet or less, compared to the standard minimum house size of 1,500 square feet, and many of these small homes are on wheels and mobile. The homes appeal to those looking for both a cheap and ultra-simple lifestyle.