Order to Kill – The Latest Mitch Rapp Thriller

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Order to Kill
Image: amazon.com

Since 2015, Alexander (Alex) Garbiso has owned and served as trainer at Mile High Nutrition and Fitness, where he develops individualized diets and exercise regimens for his clients in the Denver area. In his leisure time, Alex Garbiso likes to read fiction, and one of his favorite authors is Vince Flynn.

Flynn self-published his first novel, Term Limits, and the book quickly garnered attention from publishers. He later created a series of military thrillers that have ranked on the New York Times Best Sellers list and influenced audiences ranging from fiction enthusiasts to government officials. The Mitch Rapp thriller series continues to expand under the direction of Kyle Mills, who writes in honor of the life of Flynn.

The most recent installment of the saga is Order to Kill. In this fast-paced novel, Mitch Rapp, an anti-terrorism operative, faces the task of ensuring that high-level weaponry stays out of the hands of enemy forces. He teams up with colleague Scott Coleman, and the two encounter a number of obstacles that threaten their lives. Readers can find a copy of Order to Kill at most major booksellers.